Superconducting technologies are prime candidates to ripen quantum effects into devices and applications. The accumulated knowledge in decades of work in understanding superconductivity allows scientists now to make experiments by design, controlling relevant parameters in devices. A new field is emerging whose final objective is to improve appliances taking advantage of quantum effects, be it for dissipationless transport of current, generation of high magnetic fields, sensors or quantum information. Quantum behavior is controlled by using hybrids of superconductors with magnets, insulators, semiconductors or normal metals. The field will impact crucial areas for societal development, including energy, transport, medicine or computation.
The scientific and technical communities working in superconductivity, whose activities put Europe at the frontier of research, are traditionally small groups working independently. The present Action aims to address the pressing need for a common place to share knowledge and infrastructure and develop new cooperative projects.
To this end, we have set-up a program including networking activities with an open, proactive and inclusive approach to other researchers and industry. This will improve availability of infrastructure and knowledge, avoiding duplication of resources and skills and with a focus on contributing to gender balance and the participation of young researchers. This will optimize European efforts in this area and uncover our full potential, thus maintaining and developing Europe’s leading position in superconducting quantum technologies.
The NANOCOHYBRI Action started in November 2017 and will last until October 2021. Currently, 24 countries have joined the Network. The Action is guided by the Management Committee, which is formed by not more than two representatives of each country that signed the Memorandum of Understanding. This document will serve as the basis for joining and implementing the action.
Webpage of the Action at COST
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