ESAS School: Superconductivity for Quantum Technologies, June 13 – 16 2022, Matera (Italy)
The ESAS school “Superconductivity for Quantum Technologies” will take place (hybrid format, i.e. on-site and virtually) in Matera, Italy on 13-16 June 2022.
It aims a providing the attendees with the main concepts and methodologies for design, study and applications of supercounducting electronics and devices for quantum technologies.
For this edition the key words to have in mind are quantum sensing, quantum detection and quantum computation.
The school is mostly addressed to undergraduate students in engineering, physics and STEM related fields, but Ph.D. students and post-doc are highly welcomed.
The goal of the school is to give the attendees the chance to capture what are the research opportunities in both industry and academia in quantum technologies. For this reason, participants will meet exponents from superconducting electronics companies and experts in superconducting quantum technologies.
More information can be found in https://wolte15.org/esas-school-superconductivity-for-quantum-technologies/ and here: