Participants might ask for funding of open access (OA) publication fees, particularly in high impact and review or roadmap articles. There are only limited funds available. Publications must be co-authored by Action Participants of at least 3 different participating full COST member countries and must acknowledge the NANOCOHYBRI Action, as required by COST.
More information can be found here.
If you have a paper accomplishing these requirements, please send the following documents by email to
– Copy of publication and acceptance email of the journal.
– JPG of publication fee information captured from journals webpage.
– JPG of image captured from Scimago webpage indicating journal’s quartile.
The OA committee will evaluate your proposal, in view of (i) available funds, (ii) quality and impact of the publication and (iii) contribution towards the achievement of the objectives of the Action, and inform you as soon as possible about the outcome.
OA committee: Annica Black-Schaffer, Chuan Li, Simon Bending and Szabolcs Csonka.