Virtual Mobility Grants (VMG) will allow individual participants to foster collaboration, exchange knowledge, learn new techniques and research methods, explore and perform new remote and web-based experiments, content preparation and coordination of science communication activities, etc. through carrying out activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence and that contribute to the scientific objectives of the Action.
All individuals from participating COST countries and MC observers from NNCs (PhD students, Postdocs, Professors, staff members, etc.) are eligible to apply for a VMG. Applicants must have the consent of the virtual host research group to ensure that they will provide the needed support and advices to the grantee and must ensure they have the required technical material/equipment and infrastructure to carry out the activities proposed in the application. All members of the Action involved in WG activities are encouraged to submit VMG applications. VMGs must be related to one of the Working Group Themes. Within this Grant Period, we will have three deadlines for collecting applications:
- January 23rd for VMG aiming to start from February 1st
- February 20th for VMG aiming to start from March 1st
Please use your e-cost account to place the application. You will find the relevant option at your left when you go to the “Home” page. You will be asked to chose one of the account numbers that is in your own e-cost profile. We recommend that you include the account number of your institution in your e-cost profile and that you manage the fund expenditure of VMGs following the internal procedures of your institution. You can download the VMG application form here. We recommend that you send a copy to You can use the same email for any questions or comments.
The evaluation of VMGs applications and communication of outcomes will be made within 5 working days after each deadline for collecting applications. The duration of the grant depends on the activity, there is no minimum, and the maximum financial support for each of these VMGs is of 1.500 €. The applicant shall inform about the aim of the VM Grant, about how the funds will be spend, about how it will contribute to the objectives of the Action and about the expected deliverables. Applications will be approved by the VNS manager and the VM Committee on behalf of the MC. COST excellence and inclusiveness policy will be used to evaluate applications. The participation of ECIs, gender balance and the participation of ITCs will be promoted. Within 10 days after the end of the VM Grant, grantees must submit a report to be approved by the VNS manager and the chair of the Action on behalf of the MC. Please make sure that the VMG ends at least 20 days before the end of the ongoing Grant Period.