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Improving the sensitivity of scanning probe microscopy with mechanical vibrations

Authors: Eylon Persky, Naor Vardi, Yishai Shperber and Beena Kalisky

Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 173101 (2018)

Abstract: Mechanical vibrations are typically undesired in imaging systems, as they cause noise and hinder system performance. Here, we propose to use vibrations in order to improve the sensitivity of a scanning probe system. We model the spectral and spatial structures of the response to an induced vibration and test our calculation on magnetic objects using a scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscope. In our experiments, we show that imaging the response to vibrations enhances the sensitivity of our sensor, as we detect signals that would otherwise be below the sensor’s low frequency noise limit. Our results open the door to an effective way of improving the performance of many imaging systems.


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