ITC Conference Grant of Daria Szewczyk in the 10th ICPYS LTP 2019, Kharkiv (Ukraine)
The ITC Conference Grant, allowed the participation in the 10th International Conference for Professionals and Young Scientists “Low Temperature Physics” – ICPYS LTP 2019, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 3-7.06.2019. The conference topics covered basic research in experimental and theoretical physics at low and ultralow temperatures, including solid state physics, nanophysics, biophysics, materials science, and a wide range of related topics.
My personal involvement into this conference was an oral presentation entitled “Thermal transport in molecular disorder crystals with long range order”, which was given on the first day, as an opening of the second session <<Nanophysics and Nanotechnologies>>. During the enlonged lecture I have showed the summary of the investigations on nitrobenzene derivatives exhibiting glass-like singularities in low temperature regime. Moreover I was also the co-author of an another oral presentation in this session – namely “Calorimetric studies of MWCNTs” by M.S. Barabashko, D. Szewczyk, M.I. Bagatskii, V.V. Sumarokov, A. Jeżowski, V.I. Kuznetsov, S.I. Moseenkov, A.N. Ponomarev. The short communication introduced the latest results of heat capacity measurements on multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) having distinguishing thermal properties among other carbon materials at low temperatures.
One of the main results of the ITC grant was the chance to consult the ideas and review my opinions about the closest future in my own research field with the specialist and young scientist . It gave me a new insight into the phenomena observed in disordered materials. The conference as a whole was filled with good scientific points, formulated in a appropriate and accessible order providing enough time to start profound scientific discussions.
But the greatest benefit that I experienced during the conference was, that for the first time I had the opportunity to meet in person (not only by e-mail conversation) some of the collaborators I have been working for the past 3 years. The Institute of Low Temperature Physics and Engineering is a scientific unit, that my home Institute holds a long-term collaboration. The conference grant allowed me not only the participation at the conference but also the personal discussion of the results on carbon-based materials – namely MWCNTs. Together with M. Barabashko and V. Sumarokov we could schedule the next experiments to be performed in Wroclaw, and consult the upcoming publication of the already obtained results. The time during the breaks devoted to the research consideration lead to new ideas and a better approach in final conclusions.