Superconducting Hybrids @ Extreme – Tatry (Slovakia) Meeting postponed to Summer 2021
The COST meeting Superconducting Hybrids @ Extreme, planned to take place on the 10-13 March 2020, in Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia was cancelled, following the suggestions of the authorities of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Slovak Universities. We expect to celebrate our next meeting in the same location in summer 2021.
The Organizers, Pavol Szabó, Jozef Kacmarcik, Tomas Samuely and Peter Samuely and the Chair of the Action, Hermann Suderow.
Further information will be duly posted on this webpage and announced per email. The updated COST information about the coronavirus is available here (Please click on “FAQ on Coronavirus and Force majeure”, which will lead you to the daily updated document).
The workshop ”Superconducting Hybrids @ Extreme” organized in the framework of the COST action CA16218 will be focused on recent advances in superconducting coherent hybrid structures at extreme experimental conditions of ultralow temperatures, high magnetic fields, high pressures and at nanoscale. It aims at boosting discussions on superconducting nanostructures and materials, nanoscale devices, hybrids made of superconducting and magnetic systems, topological materials, superfluids and strongly correlated electron systems addressed by different kinds of techniques from nanoprobes to transport, thermodynamic and magnetic measurements. Theoretical works on the topics are welcome, too. Stimulating discussions between experiment, theory and computational approaches are expected.
Some aspects concerning travel and transport.
The brochure of our COST program.
Jozef Kačmarčík, Pavol Szabó, Peter Samuely – IEP SAS, Košice.
Tomáš Samuely – FS UPJŠ, Košice.
Topics of the workshop:
- Novel quantum states in superconductors and topological materials
- Extreme disorder, low domensionality, coherence
- Superconductivity @ extreme (pressure, field, temperature)
- Strongly correlated electron systems and high-Tc superconductors
- Josephson junctions and arrays
- Superconductor/ferromagnet hybrids
- Coherent phenomena at mesoscopic and nanoscale (including vortex physics).
- Novel materials, hybrids, properties.
- Applications benefiting from quantum coherence of superconducting hybrids
Meeting schedule
Invited speakers:
Ahmad, Halima Giovanna
Ayress, Jake
Barišič, Neven
Bending, Simon
Black-Schaffer, Anika
Bouzdin, Alexander
Carreira, Santiago J
Caruso, Roberta
Cayao, Jorge
Cieplak, Marta
Cren, Tristan
Fabián, Jaroslav
Gazdic, Tim
Gencer, Ali
Gmitra, Martin
Hakonen, Pertti
Herrera, Edwin
Hlubina, Richard
Humbert, Vincent
Kačmarčík, Jozef
Kim, Howon
Kopčík, Michal
Lang, Wolfgang
Leridon, Brigitte
Levitin, Lev
Linek, Julian
Lombardi, Floriana
Maccari, Ilaria
Makk, Peter
Martin Vega, Francisco
Milosevic, Milorad
Montemuro, Domenico
Nemes-Incze, Peter
Palau, Anna
Pokorny, Vladislav
Puzniak, Roman
Raes, Bart
Samuely, Tomáš
Silhanek, Alejandro
Sobolewski, Roman
Strunk, Christoph
Tesař, Roman
Registration and Abstract
Please download the Registration and abstract form and submit it per email to Deadline is 10 January.
No registration fee will be raised for participants of the countries included in the COST Action.
The COST Action will, in addition, support a limited amount of participants.
By 15 January we will notify on abstract acceptance and level of support.
The hotel must be reserved and paid before 20 January.
Štrbské Pleso, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia. Štrbské Pleso is a spa mountain resort in Vysoké Tatry, the highest mountains in Slovakia located in the north side of the country. The Hotel Patria ( is situated conveniently at the mountain lake Štrbské Pleso.
All participants should make a reservation of their stay sending an e-mail to Hotel Patria to For your reservation, please mark that you are participating at the conference Superconducting Hybrids @ Extreme.
Payment of accomodation and full board expenses for the conference period (starting from dinner on Tuesday March 10th and finishing with lunch on Friday March 13th, i.e. up to 480 €) must be arranged directly with the Hotel by each participant. The expenses of participants from COST countries may be eligible for reimbursement following the COST rules as specified in the Vademecum. The COST Action will support a limited amount of participants. To optimize funds, we will communicate the level of support together with abstract acceptance on the 13 of January, 2020.
Stays before and after the workshop are possible upon your private arrangements with the hotel.
How to get there
The closest (100 km) airport is in Košice with daily flight connections to Vienna, Prague and Warsaw. The Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest airports are 300, 400 and 300 km, respectively. There is a regular shuttle service from Budapest Airport to Košice. From Košice and Bratislava a convenient train connection every 2 hours during the day is available. To reach Štrbské Pleso, the intercity train should be changed in Štrba station for the cog railway going directly to Štrbské Pleso.
Shuttle bus from Košice to Hotel Patria is offered upon request. The bus will depart from the Center of Low Temperature Physics (Park Angelinum 9, Košice) on March 10th in the afternoon. Guided tours in the laboratories of the Center will be organized for conference participants prior to bus departure. The shuttle bus will take participants also back to Košice after the workshop. Request for shuttle transfer from and/or back to Košice must be declared before February 14th.