Mini workshop “Towards strong correlations in van der Waals heterostructures and 2D materials”
25 March 2021, from 13h55 to 18h00 CET
The workshop will start at 13h55 central European time. Please keep in mind that some countries switched to daylight saving time and some did not. Thus, time difference between different time zones might be different than usual.
Organizers: Yonathan Anahory and Milorad Milosevic.
Download abstract book.
Talks will be made available at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCKHZXlwU0MO9Z6KC3SEWeg during the next days, as speaker agreements are collected.
13h55-14h00: Brief introduction to the Miniworkshop series by the organisers
Plenary session (Chair, Milorad Milosevic)
14h00-14h30: Dimitri Efetov, ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain. “Competing phases of correlated Chern insulators in Superconducting Twisted Bilayer Graphene”
14h30-15h00: Eli Zeldov, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. “Imaging topological currents and twist-angle disorder in magic-angle graphene”
15h00-15h30: Chun Ning Lau (Jeanie), Ohio State University, United States. “Tunable Helical Edge States in van der Waals Materials”
15h30-15h45: Break
Invited session (Chair, Yonathan Anahory)
15h45-16h05: Yuval Ronen – Harvard University. “Induced superconductivity in a fractional quantum Hall edge”
16h05-16h25: Jana Vejpravova – Charles University. “Topographic states of graphene – chemistry meets physics”
16h25-16h45: Lucian Covaci – University of Antwerp. “Flat Bands and Correlated States in Buckled Graphene Superlattices”
16h45-17h05: Peter Makk – Budapest University of Technology and Ecnomics. “Tuning the band structure of twisted double bilayer graphene with hydrostatic pressure”
17h05-17h25: Devidas Taget – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “Spectroscopy of barrier defects coupled to superconductors in van der Waals tunneling devices”
17h25-17h45: Tobias Wolf – ETH Zürich. “Valley Spirals in Magnetically Encapsulated Twisted Bilayer Graphene”
17h45-18h05: Sara Conti – University of Antwerp. “Three-dimensional electron-hole superfluidity in a superlattice close to room temperature”
Download the mini-workshop poster here and here.
More information at meetings.nanocohybri@uam.es.
Aims and scope
The COST Action nanocohybri develops ground breaking research in superconducting hybrid nanostructures. Recent experimental breakthroughs in building nanostructures out of 2D materials have lead to the observation of correlated insulating and superconducting states in structures with twisted layers, particularly in bilayer graphene. This provides a new opportunity to harness strong correlations and study its influence on superconductivity, which might impact our understanding of electron correlation driven high-temperature superconductivity. This workshop aims to gather Action participants with world-wide experts to address the overarching open questions, regarding both theory and experiment, in the establishment and characterization of strong correlations in hybrid nanostructures.
This miniworkshop is part of a series which will be organized within an agile format, consisting of virtual half-a-day mini-workshops on a thriving new research results in the field of the Action. There will be three 25+5’ talks and several 15+5’ talks, by invitation after consultation to the COST MC. Poster sessions will be also organized on demand. We particularly welcome the participation of young students and follow excellence and inclusiveness strategy of COST.
Every participant will receive a certificate upon request by writing to meetings.nanocohybri@uam.es.
Organizers of the series of mini-workshops:
Yonathan Anahory, Floriana Lombardi, Milorad Milosevic, Jovan Mirković and the COST Action Management Committee.
Supporting team:
- Irene González.
- Rafael Álvarez.