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STSM of Pablo Orús at the Helmholtz Center in Dresden (Germany)

The objective of this STSM was to continue the work already initiated in a previous STSM some works before – to utilize and exploit the advantages of Focused Ion Beam Induced Deposition using a beam of He+ ions to fabricate superconducting nanostructures. The stay of Pablo Orús, a PhD student in the Materials Science Institute of Aragón, in Zaragoza (Spain), was again hosted by the group of Dr. Gregor Hlawacek. During the STSM, and following the steps already taken in the previous stay, the nanofabrication technique was utilized to fabricate superconducting nanowires, investigating the effects of the utilized ion dose on the superconducting behavior. With subsequent low-temperature measurements and transmission electron microscopy studies carried out in Zaragoza, the results of the work were published the following year in Nanotechnology (

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